Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Climate Controlled

Climate change, Global warming, freak weather patterns have become all the rage now that social media is the soapbox any Tom, Dick or Harry can get on and portray as being an "expert". Social Media, especially Twitter and Facebook, have been responsible for the constant barrage of outlandish stores of extreme heat and or cold. Recently a global warming protest was cancelled at Yale University because of the cold weather and snow. In Boston, the National Weather Service tweeted “Congratulations Boston!” for the 108.6 inches of snow the city received for the month of February. In 2014, an expert from the National Autonomous University of Mexico predicted that in about ten years the Earth will enter a “little ice age” which will last from 60 to 80 years and may be caused by the decrease in solar activity". These few examples seem to contradict the messages society receives about Global Warming

On the other side of the coin, global warming theorist continue to show scenes of killer dust storms, dried lake beds and rising temperatures to make us believe this hoax. In the state of California the "first half of 2014 was by far the hottest in 120 years of record-keeping, and that heat is exacerbating one of the most devastating droughts in state history". These rising temperatures cause wildfires, melting glaciers and raising ocean waters. Food production is decreased, plants die, creating a domino effect of less Carbon Dioxide being created by these plants, As these plants die, it promotes erosion, standing waters after flood events and the perfect breeding ground for insect carrying illness and disease.

What really is going on with our crazy planet? Are we the cause? Who is to blame? The biggest barrier that keeps this idea of global warming alive and growing is the mixed messages that we are receiving. Because there are so many theories, ideas, and examples, it is easy for people to get bored, apathetic and just accept the fact that maybe, just maybe this is one big hoax. I mean, if scientist can’t all agree, who am I to talk? This kind of think will only allow the problem to persist.

* views given are not those of the author.

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    I thought we were going to do pot together? oh well, have fun in the sun.
