I started adding the interest and they seeming to catch on fire. It seemed to going out of control with all the interest I was adding, but i felt justified adding them. Things like long-distance running, nutrition, physical exercise and weight loss. I added a section that focused on travelers and people that might be coming to the area and might enjoy a little fun run. I also tried to focus on people that weren't just running but also biking and outdoors things. this might be something that would beneficial as far was weather and hydration issues. Lastly I targeted to people that were friends of the friends that liked St. George Running Tips. I personally will like something if I have a personal friend that has liked it. So just random people that have no connections might not be receptive. This gives me a reach of 19,800 people.
I was giving the option use my own pictures or select stock pictures. I chose the latter, because i felt it added diversity for my ads. I picked 5 pictures other than my profile picture to be included in the ad. As you can see they all have running actors and elements, but having (I'm assuming) different photographers, it creates variety. My personal favorite is the group running shown from waist down. This is a common experience that most runners have, being elbow to elbow with strangers all united for a cause....Finish. I changed the text to target the heat aspect of running, as spring and summer approaches I know this will become a concern and factor. This gives you an idea about my ad.
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